Run Home

Website Design

Skills: website design, pattern design, custom HTML coding, concept development, logo development, branding, advertising, photography

Programs: WordPress, Illustrator, Photoshop

Run Home is a nonprofit that brings community and purpose to retired Veterans. Run Home establishes a community of Veterans to take dogs from the humane society for runs to exercise the dogs and build relationships between the Veterans, dogs, and other Veterans. Veterans can help get the dogs adopted by sharing photos on social media using the hashtag #runhomeadoption

custom CSS for header nav

side 1
side 2

In the military challenge coins are earned from outstanding accomplishments. When service members gather, it’s tradition to challenge each other to who has a coin from the highest ranked person. Whoever looses must buy the next round. Hence the name of challenge coin.

morale patch - brand colors
morale patch - subdued colors

Morale patches are very popular among military members. They are often worn on civilian hats and both civilian and military backpacks. These products are made with Velcro spots for morale patches.

Bath & Body Works
Black Heritage Month Campaign
FairShare CSA Coalition
Marketing Booklet